Creative Innovation and Future Strategy

At OvN, we have the opportunity to help shape the future. We are passionate about thinking about what the future may be. We explore and research to understand the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead of us. We make it our business to look for the future, to find the seeds that will spark change in what humans value and desire. We do this with an eye for design.

Futures research

OvN assists global companies with their futures research. Most of the companies and people we work with are highly skilled, exploring the future has become something we do together. Our collaborations most of the time start with an inspiration session where OvN shares their vision of the future based on our day to day research. We assist our clients with deciding what topics to explore and which questions to ask. Together we explore further and dive in deeper, also on what the developments mean for the client’s strategy and product range.

2030 Timeline

product innovation

In the process of product innovation, OvN often starts with assisting our clients at the beginning of the process. We show the global macro trends that will have impact 5-10 years ahead, next to exploring the developments that will impact the client's products range. Besides, we also search for the less obvious, which opportunities are there, what not to forget. Often we return at the end of the design process for validation.


Inspiration and tracking

OvN has several long term relationships with clients for who we create unique reports focused on innovation. Our clients need to be updated and aware, so we visit fairs, seminars, relevant suppliers. We make exclusive reports for our clients on relevant changing consumer habits and lifestyle values. Next to that, we also look further in the future, towards 2030 for those that need long term information.

Cultural lens & storytelling

Finding the right tone is essential for telling stories and can differ in regions of the world. The search is for individuality, diversity, and connection and how these values refer to images and language. OvN sheds light on different perspectives and storytelling from an Eastern and Western lens.

Innovation trips 

Oltmans van Niekerk curates tailor-made innovation trips in several parts of the world. Together with our global network, we can tell you what to visit and where to go, or arrange and guide the trip with you. To inform future research and strategy, we can connect global inspiring people and innovators with your team.

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